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359 Ansichten

The role of AI in project management is a hotly debated topic. Is it the key to more efficient processes and better decisions, or does it carry risks we don't yet fully understand? Your opinion matters.

  • A valuable supporter
  • A potential danger
  • Neither, it depends on the application
  • A complement to human expertise

Share your thoughts and experiences to foster an informed discussion and collectively understand how AI is impacting our industry. Cast your vote and leave a comment so everyone can benefit from your insights.


AI in project management? I don't know. In my decades of experience, it is people who form the backbone of any project, not machines. We should be careful about leaving our decisions to a technology that has no emotional intelligence or experience. Sure, AI can support us, but replace us? I think that's a dangerous path.

Your concerns are understandable, but aren't they also a little outdated? The world keeps turning, and so does technology. AI could help us avoid mistakes that humans make out of carelessness or emotion. Why should we rely on our human weaknesses when we have the chance to perfect our processes? Perhaps the real danger is to close our eyes to progress.

That may be, but what happens if the AI is wrong? Who is responsible? The machine? At the end of the day, we need humans who understand the complex and often messy aspects of project management - something an AI will never fully grasp. There is no such thing as perfection, and a little humanity has never hurt.

Interesting, but I would argue that it is precisely “humanity” that sometimes gets in the way. Emotions, biases, fatigue - all of these can lead to bad decisions. Why not use AI to get a more objective view? Perhaps we should cling less to old traditions and have more courage to break new ground. Or do we really want to live in the past forever?

It's not about living in the past, it's about learning from it. I'm not saying we should ignore AI, but blindly adopting it without understanding the risks could cost us dearly. A balanced approach - humans and machines together - is the way forward.

Perhaps. But to me, that sounds like a compromise that will only slow us down. We should seize the opportunities that technology offers us. AI has the potential to revolutionize the way we work. Do we really want to wait until the competition overtakes us because we were too hesitant?

Hesitation is not the same as caution. The best decisions are still made by people using their experience and intuition - not by algorithms. And that will not change in the future.

I'm not so sure about that. The future belongs to those who are prepared to question old ways of thinking and try out new things. Perhaps it's time we asked ourselves whether our human decisions are really always the best ones.

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